Virtual Panathlon Competition

A huge congratulations to the St Angela’s Panathlon Team who represented both St Angela’s and the borough of Newham by taking part in a variety of Multi Skill Challenges.
The competition ran over the course of two weeks and the team undertook activities such as Speed Bounce, Standing Long Jump, Direct Hit, Loopy Basketball and Stick Slalom. Throughout the competition all girls demonstrated fantastic dedication, determination and all round good sportsmanship by helping and supporting each other.
A special mention to Natasha (7 Franklin) for jumping an incredible 1.82m in the Standing Long Jump and to Sarah (7 Cavell) for scoring an impressive 12 points in Direct Hit, however, all the girls played a huge part in contributing to the year 7 teams enormous total of 830 points!
Very well done to; Natasha (7 Franklin), Sarah (7 Cavell), Cherise (7 Ganguly), and Nicola (7 Franklin). Other pupils that contributed to this event would include the year 8, 9 and 10 team including; Sheriska (8 Wang), Ekene (8 Quant), Abigail (8 Wang), Marcella (8 Quant), Angelica (9 Fawcett), Victoria (10 Roberts) and Lawerencia (10 Johnson). All pupils demonstrated fantastic determination and competitiveness!
Finally, thanks to the most experienced members of the team; Vanessa (11 Lin) and Manuela (11 Jiricna), who stepped up again in their 5th year of undertaking the competition. Both athletes worked incredibly hard and contributed a further 705 points between them! A huge congratulations to the entire Panathlon team, combining all year group scores together give us a staggering total of 2,914 points!