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Advice for Parents and Carers

Parents and carers are one of the most important people in a child’s life and in the best possible position to support a child as they consider their future, review their options and make informed choices. Only a lucky few will know from a young age the type of work they want to do when they grow up. Most people need time to figure it out and plenty of people stumble into jobs and careers without too much thought. That is why it is good to have conversations about jobs and careers with your child early – and to have them regularly, on an ongoing basis. The more information young people have on what they can do next, through ongoing conversations, the easier big decisions at key milestones will be. This will hopefully make big decisions about their future and options more manageable as you and your child will be used to having these types of conversations.

You can help by starting the conversation:

  • Support your child to identify their personal qualities, values and skills – get them to write it down
  • Support your child to identify skills they want to develop
  • Talk about what your child likes and dislikes – for example, do they have any passions or interests? How do they feel about school subjects?
  • Talk about their career ideas and future plans – what jobs are they interested in?
  • Research the different careers and find out the skills and qualifications needed to do certain jobs
  • Share your own career experiences and talk about your own job or career and those of the wider family
  • Keep in mind that your child’s choices and decisions should be based on their aspirations and abilities
  • Remember that not everyone has a clear idea what they want to do so your child's career ideas may change as they get older

There are many useful links and resources that offer advice and support to parents and carers at various stages of your child’s career pathway. Below are some useful links and resources to get you started.


GCSE Options 

Careerpilot: Choosing your GCSE options
Careerpilot: How can I help my child make their option choices?
GCSE Options: Everything you need to know about choosing your GCSE subjects
How to help your teen choose their school subjects: A checklist for parents


Post-16 Options

Talking Futures: Pathways at 16+
Careerpilot: Your choices at 16
London LMI: What's next for you at 16?
Newham London: A Guide to 16-18 Courses in Newham 
National Careers Service

Post-18 Options

Talking Futures: Pathways at 18
UniTasterDays: A Parents' Guide to University 2023
UCAS: Parent, Guardian and Carer Guide 2024
Amazing Apprenticeships Parent Zone
Apprenticeships: Support for Parents and Guardians
The Parent's Guide to Gap Years
National Careers Service

As parents and carers, it is vital that you are a part of your child’s journey and are informed or know where relevant information can be found. Information on the current labour market is a useful tool for when decisions are being made about your child’s future career plan.


Labour Market Information (LMI)

Understanding Labour Market Information: Understanding Labour Market Information by Shaw Trust
How to use Labour Market Information


Labour Market Information for Newham

Start Profile: Newham Labour Market Information
Newham London: Economy and Employment Information
Nomis: Labour Market Profile of Newham
Office for National Statistics: Employment and Labour Market in Newham

LMI for All Careerometer provides easy access to labour market information. So, type in a job and read information on the salary you could expect, workforce change, where to find this job and common tasks you can expect to do. 
Parents and carers are welcome to speak to the Careers Leader and appropriate Heads of Year for their child’s year group.


Careers Links

Parents Guide To National Careers Week 2022

Dear Parents,

This week is National Careers Week –The Parent/Carer Guide to Careers 2022 

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week is National Careers Week – please see link below for The Parent/Carer Guide to National Careers Week – this includes lots of useful articles and links for parents/carers on 

1/ How to support your daughter/son with their career ideas 

2/ How to search for work experience

3/ Information on vocational pathways into careers at 16 or 18 such as BTEC, T levels and Apprenticeships.


Also go to these interactive links: - at this link from this Wed 7th March you and your daughter/son can access the NCW Virtual Careers Fair with over 100 employer stands to visit online - careers films and video clips from employers including NHS, BBC, Nat West Bank, Civil Service, etc - with inputs from young people working for these organisations.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss your daughter or son's future career progression.


Parent and carer guide - The Parents' Guide to NCW 2022.pdf



Mr Jarvis
School Careers Adviser 

Your Daughter’s Future - a new resource on employability and aspiration for parents of young women in key stage 3 & 4

National Careers Service Website

Examples of Work Experience & Careers Insights

Bühler Engineering Careers Talk

On 11th November our Year 10 scientists heard from a graduate engineer at Bühler UK about Engineering careers. 

Fifty of our Year 10 Scientists were able to hear from Nora, a female graduate hardware engineer, who visited St Angela’s to inspire our students towards the great career opportunities in manufacturing engineering.  

Nora originally studied in Budapest Hungary before moving to the UK where she graduated with an MEng Master’s degree in Robotics from Plymouth University. 

She now works for Bühler- a global world leading engineering company who design and manufacture components and energy efficient technologies used in motor vehicles and food industries.  

Interesting facts! 

  • 65% of global wheat production is covered by Bühler milling solutions.
  • 50% of all cars worldwide feature parts from Bühler.
  • 60% of all chocolate is produced on Bühler equipment.

Her role is to design, research and debug electronic systems and she loves the problem solving she uses in this rewarding and well paid career area.

Nora gave our students a virtual tour of the state of the art Bühler factory and laboratories at Victoria Docks Newham- where Bühler head up their UK operations. She was also able to share profiles of other female Mechanical, Software and Development engineers.

Our Year 10s really enjoyed the talk:

“I learnt about different branches of engineering that I can go into”
“I like learning about her background and the path she took”
“I was shown how enjoyable being an engineer is. I am inspired to look into Bühler UK for experience in jobs”

Mr Jarvis – School Careers Adviser 


Examples of Apprenticeships, Work Experience and Careers Insights 

Autumn Term 2021

Icanyoucantoo Careers Coaching and Mentoring Programme  
Fifteen Year 12s and 2 Year 13 Ambassadors were selected in October to start this 8 month bespoke programme linked to St Angela’s and two other schools. Run by a team of dedicated recruiters and executives from EY (global accountancy firm), HSBC Bank, CRS law firm and other major companies. They prepare our students on how to apply for competitive careers. This term our mentees took part in four workshops:

  • Launch event at EY Canary Wharf - with training from debate mate 
  • Mindset Coaching workshop- with CEO’s and Managing Directors at leading firms including JP Morgan
  • Personal Brand/First impressions - strength based interview skills coaching from the HR team at HSBC 
  • Assessment Centres- Mentees took part in mock group discussion employer selection exercises at EY.

Over the next two terms our mentees will attend a “live careers library” with employers representing different career areas, develop their CVs, practice interview skills and give a presentation. With guest employers to include Sky Sports and Julius Baer Investment bank. 

Bart’s Health NHS Trust – Healthcare Horizons Mentoring Project and Insight Events - Sept/Oct 
Fourteen Year 12s started the Healthcare Horizons Mentoring via our compact with Bart’s. They are linked to healthcare professionals including: doctors, nurses, clinical psychologists, etc who work for Bart’s Health NHS Trust hospitals such as The Royal London, St Bartholomew's, Newham University Hospital or Whipps Cross. They are gaining real insights into NHS careers and the life of healthcare professionals working in patient care. 
A further four Year 12s also attended Bart’s Horizons Medical/Dental and Nursing/Midwifery Insight events 
Pathways to Health Pioneers – Community Action Project
Five Year 12s started this 8 month health education and leadership programme that empowers young people to work with local health professionals to design, implement and lead their own health project that solves a health problem within their community.  This is great experience for our aspiring doctors and nurses. 
This included a weekend in October to learn about health topics and leadership before regular meetings to set up their projects. All will also get First Aid and Mental First Aid certificates. 
Facebook Elevate Project – STEM Mentoring with Facebook Executives
Four Year 12s joined this cutting edge project in Nov via our partnership with The Brokerage. Taking part in a series of eight mentoring sessions they are linked to Facebook software developers / tech professionals learning about tech careers and employability skills. Next term they give a STEM topic presentation to Facebook executives.
Insurance Careers in the City Workshop with Canopius 
Eight Year 12s and four Year 13s joined this webinar in October organised by The Brokerage with leading global insurance firm Canopius. This introduced our students to highly paid specialist insurance careers in the City and included a Q&A session with insurance professionals.

Young Women Into Finance – One Search Careers and Scholarship Programme
Six Year 12s and three Year 13s gained places in October on the One Search YWIF Scholarship- who work with selected schools in London.  One Search specialise in placing graduates into jobs with major banks and investment firms including: JP Morgan, Aviva Investors, Allianz Global Investors and Societe Generale Investment Bank, etc. 

Starting in Year 12 our students are linked to a finance professional mentor for meetings and start a Financial Services Qualification. The programme will continue into Year 13 and whilst they are at University with paid internships with financial institutions and help finding graduate jobs.   
Architecture Mentoring Programme: Open City Accelerate with UCL and Central St Martins
Two Year 12s gained a place on Accelerate. This includes a series of 12 workshops and mentoring from qualified architects at their London offices, which started in Oct and ends next May. It is run in collaboration with UCL's Bartlett School of Architecture and Central St Martins.

The aim of Accelerate is to give talented students the confidence and skills needed to make strong university applications to study architecture.  It also includes portfolio development workshops and visits to iconic sites around London.

The Creative Mentor Network- Amazon Prime Video Bright Sparks mentorship programme
One Year 13 was selected through our partnership with the Creative Mentor Network for this sought after 16 week mentoring programme with Amazon Prime.  Our year 13 has been linked to a female PR Manager at Amazon Prime and will benefit from regular mentoring meetings contributing real work for the employer. 
Credit Suisse Investment Bank- 3 Days Work Experience Insight Programme
In October, three Year 13s were selected to take part in 3 days of virtual work experience and training learning about all aspects of investment banking including front office, trading and corporate function roles.  This was via our established links with the Credit Suisse Canary Wharf school liaison team.
Stace LLP Construction + Property Consultancy- One week paid work experience – Oct Half Term
One Year 13 secured a week of paid work with Stace LLP-a construction project management + quantity surveying firm – this included work experience at their Epping and City offices plus visits to major construction sites to learn about professional surveying careers.  We work closely with Stace, which has included an exclusive careers insight session for our Year 12/13s, which may lead to further work experience for our students.  
Sutton Trust Pathways to Banking and Finance at The London School of Economics
Two Year 12s successfully applied for a place on this two year widening participation initiative for students interested in a career in finance – includes taster lectures at LSE, mentoring from an LSE student studying a finance related degree and opportunities for work experience with financial services employers.
 Young Professionals – virtual careers insight events and work experience - Sept to Nov 
 Forty-seven Year 12s and twenty-seven Year 13s completed virtual Careers Insight Days and Work Experience via Young Professionals with leading employers across a wide range of industries.

Examples included:
Nine Year 13s - PwC Flying Start Accountancy Degree Apprenticeship Insight Event
Seven Year 13s- Black Heritage Networking Event with BP, Virgin Media and Charles Russell Speechly LLP
Two Year 12s – Tech Careers Insight with IBM  
Four Year 13s – Nat West Careers Insight Event
Two Year 12s – GSK pharmaceuticals company careers presentation   
Twenty-two Year 12s- 1 day work experience – Clifford Chance Law firm
Sixteen Year 12s- 2 day’s work experience Browne Jacobsen Law firm
Three Year 13s- 3 day’s work experience with St James Place Wealth Management  
Young Professionals events and work experiences were also taking place in December, which more of our Year 12s were signing up for.     


Alumni Careers Talks | St Angela's Year 11s Rise Up Day 
7th Sept 2021  

We were very lucky to have some former St Angela's students, now working in successful careers with leading employers, come back to talk to our Year 11s.  This was part of a One Hour Careers and Future Pathways Assembly for our new Year 11s as they return to School to start their final GCSE year.  

A big thank you to our St Angela’s alumni who now work in the media Fiona Makum (Presenter Westside Radio), The Civil Service Samad Chowdhury (Cambridge graduate now a Diplomat at The Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and  investment banking Claudette Mae Mendoza (J P Morgan Chase) who all gave inspiring careers talks about their experiences after they left St Angela’s in 2015 and what they have learnt about how to make good career choices. 

Our alumni were also joined by Dani Cook (strategic partner at Facebook), who gave invaluable insights into the wide range of career opportunities in Social Media and was able to share information about the Facebook Elevate STEM mentoring programme which some of our current Year 13 students have recently taken part in. 

Our Year 11s were really motivated by the sessions and asked some great questions of our speakers.

Head of Year 11 Ms Kerridge commented:
" The alumni session allowed the cohort to dream big and see where their life choices could take them. It emphasises the importance of hard work, that hard work does pay off and it highlighted the importance of being kind as you navigate your journey in any walk of life. It was an invaluable session to all in attendance"



Summer Term 2021

Apprenticeship success stories for St Angela’s Year 13s
Four Year 13s have been successful in their applications for very competitive apprenticeship and pre – apprenticeships with major employers, as follows: 

1 x Project Management Apprenticeship – with Arup Group Engineering

1 x Flying Start Audit Degree Apprenticeship– PwC– Price Waterhouse Coopers – Chartered Accountancy

2 x Pre- Apprenticeships with Nat West Bank for Data Analyst and Software Developer roles.


HSBC Work Experience via icanyoucantoo Mentoring Project
Twelve Year 12s took part in a two day Summer work experience taster in July with HSBC Bank hearing from professionals working in different roles with the bank and learning how a mortgage works and interest rates. This has been set up by icanyoucantoo - who run a careers coaching and mentoring programme for our Year 12s and put our students in touch with major City employers. 
icanyoucantoo also ran briefing sessions earlier this term to help our students go through the process of applying for a whole week of paid work experience with HSBC in August and as a result a further Four Year 12s have been successful getting this sought after one week work experience at HSBC.


Bart’s Health NHS Trust – NHS Careers Work Experience Weeks 
Nine Year 12s who are aspiring to either medicine, nursing or midwifery have been lucky to access 4 days of virtual work experience for medical and healthcare professions.  Four of our Year 12s undertook this in April and another 5 will take part in August. This is via our compact with Bart’s Healthcare Horizons team.


Barts Health NHS Trust
Barts Health NHS Trust run hospitals in London including The Royal London, St Bartholomew's, Newham University Hospital, Whipps Cross and Queens Romford. This invaluable medical work experience gives insights into the day to day roles of healthcare professionals, what patient journeys look like and professional practice.


Engineering Development Trust / Industrial Cadets Summer Work Experience
In July and August Four Year 12s completed the Insight into University and Virtual Routes into STEM programmes with EDT to give insights into engineering, tech and STEM careers. This included a series of sessions from employers including- Glaxo Smith Clyne, Balfour Beatty, Babcock, BP and BAE Systems. University STEM departments at Cambridge, Southampton, Liverpool, Loughborough, UCL and others will also run online lectures.  

Topics included: Biopharm, mechatronics, AI, careers in Tech, Bioengineering, aircraft design and more.     


CFC Insurance Underwriting and Bank of Montreal 
8 week Mentoring programmes 

One Year 12 and one Year 13 took part in these mentoring programmes with a leading specialist insurance firm and an investment Bank.  Again run with The Brokerage City Link.  

Arpon Year 12: “I had an amazing experience in the CFC Underwriting programme for the past 8 weeks. My mentor helped me develop my skills and knowledge, provided many interview techniques and very helpful feedback. I am grateful to have been given this opportunity to be more confident in my aspirations towards the financial sector”  


Trowers & Hamlins – Law Work Experience
Nine Year 12s were selected for 4 days of legal work experience in June through our School partnership with leading City law firm Trowers & Hamlins. They were able to learn about many areas of law from commercial and corporate to real estate and dispute resolution. 


Nuffield Foundation Science and STEM – two week Summer Research Placements  
Five Year 12s selected for STEM research placements working alongside scientists, technologists, engineers or mathematicians. Our Year 12s will complete an online research project. They will be linked to placements with university research departments such as Imperial, Kings and UCL, research institutes or industry employers.      


University of The Arts London Art & Design – One week Summer School Taster courses
Three Year 12s took part in the UAL Insights 5 day taster courses visiting their prestigious Art Colleges, for higher education tasters of Art & Design specialisms. Two Year 12s did this at Central Saint Martins for Architecture and one Year 12 for Film Making at The London College of Communication. 


Maths in The City Careers Workshop with Nomura and The Brokerage City Link 
Fourteen Year 12s were given a place on this webinar via our partnership with The Brokerage City Link, who along with Nomura a global investment bank, introduced them to how Maths is used in the world of financial services  


EY Ernst & Young Smart Futures | 3 weeks Work Experience and follow up Mentoring  

One Year 12 successfully applied for 3 weeks paid work experience at EY London offices for this Summer via our links with the EY Foundation. EY are one of the big 4 global Accountancy and Professional Services companies. Our student will also benefit from EY mentoring in Year 13.  


Young Professionals | Three days Year 11 Virtual Work Experience - June 
Twelve Year 11s completed 3 days virtual work experience learning about a wide range of industries from a great range of major employers including: Sky, EY, PwC, Capgemini, IBM, HSBC, Berkeley Group, Glaxo Smith Kline and the RAF. Our Year 11s took part in skills based workshops and interactive tasks with these employers. and  were also able to learn about CV's, Interviews, Assessment Centres, Networking.  

Speakers for Schools Experience | Virtual Insight Days & Work Experiences | Summer term 
Eighteen Year 12s and five Year 11s completed Insight Days and work experiences with the following employers:  

NHS (nursing, health professions, NHS tech and apprenticeships days), Caxton (finance/hedge funds), 

Ofcom (tech + engineering), The RAF, British Airways (women in engineering), Santander (banking), 

Pozzoni (architecture), Bentley Motors (business and engineering), L`Oreal (digital), Kainos (intro to coding), Turner & Townsend (real estate/project management), Reed Smith (law), Tesco (CVs & interview skills) and Portland (PR and Communications Summer internship).

Mr Jarvis – School Careers Adviser 

Year 8 Engineering Development Trust | Careers Challenger Morning

Summer Term 2021

All of our Year 8s took part in an Insight into Chemistry – EDT Industrial Cadets Challenger Morning- run by the Engineering Development Trust with The Royal Society of Chemistry.

This was delivered in our Science labs via Zoom with presentations from EDT and contributions from STEM Science ambassadors.

The session started with a video on why study Chemistry with an introduction to EDT Industrial Cadets and The Royal Society of Chemistry.

The challenge focussed on looking at Chemistry and Climate Change.  Our Year 8s were able to investigate ways of reducing our carbon footprint using green Chemistry and worked on tasks to propose new ways of using Chemistry to help solve the climate emergency.

They heard from three female STEM Scientist Ambassadors who work in the pharmaceutical industries. This included a Clinical Trials Researcher, a Pharma Development Clinical Safety expert and a Clinical Trials Project Manager who work for Roche and Bayer Pharmaceutical companies who develop and test new medicines.  All studied Biochemistry or Pharmacology degrees at University.

Joanne Bakewell form EDT commented on how good the questions were from our Year 8s which included:

“How was your first year working in lab?”

“Is it challenging working as a woman in a male dominated industry?”

“Will you be involved in the development of future covid medicines?”

It was good to hear that there are so many well paid careers for Scientists working in industry and also interesting to learn that actually in the pharma industries there are more women scientists than men. 

A big thank you to all of our Year 8s who took part and participated so well during the morning. And to our Science Department who hosted the event.

Realising Opportunities Russell Group Universities Mentoring Project


Thirty St Angela’s Year 12 students get a place on Realising Opportunities Russell Group Universities Mentoring Project 2021/22!

Realising Opportunities includes taster lectures, events and mentoring for sixth formers provided by fifteen of the country’s leading Russell Group research intensive Universities.  The Universities are: Birmingham, Exeter, King’s, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Loughborough, Newcastle, Nottingham, Queen Mary, Sheffield, UCL, Warwick and York.   

Those completing Realising Opportunities are guaranteed UCAS degree offers from Russell Group Universities - 2 A level grades lower than their standard offer.

St Angela’s have now been working in partnership with RO for 8 years through our host university Kings College, University of London.  In April we had the fantastic news that thirty of our Year 12s have been successful after applying to take part on this year’s programme, with

Realising Opportunities informing St Angela’s that we now have the highest number of Year 12s on this major Russell Group Universities initiative than any other London School!

All eight of our Year 13s who completed the 2nd year of Realising Opportunities received fantastic RO reduced UCAS offers at Russell group universities, examples of offers received as follows: 

Politics -  Warwick - ABB (instead of AAA)
Politics - Queen Mary – BBB (instead of AAB) 
Economics- Exeter - BBB (instead of AAA) plus a £1500 RO Scholarship 
International Relations-Birmingham – BBC (instead of ABB)
Pharmacy - Kings College University London - ABC (instead of AAB))
RE & Philosophy - Kings College University London -BBB (instead of AAB)
Psychology - Kings College University London - AAB (instead of A*AA)
English - Kings College University of London - ABB (instead of AAA)
Maths - Kings College University of London - AAC (instead of AAA) 
Maths - UCL University College London - A*A*C (instead of A*A*A)

With St Angela’s excellent track record of working closely with this project going from strength to strength - we are looking forward to really high numbers of our current RO Year 12s making it into these prestigious Russell Group Universities in 2022! 

Mr Jarvis – School Careers Adviser   

Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy can be found on our school policy page.