Together We Stand Against Racism
As a whole school community, we are horrified, shocked and saddened by the death of George Floyd and the subsequent events in America that have led to an outpouring of questions, passion and of course anger across the world.
Although we are not physically in school, assemblies, posts on google classrooms and a bespoke section of the forthcoming Rise Up Day have been planned to support all to explore feelings and the desire to tackle injustice in our communities.
As a catholic school we acknowledge that racism exists here too in the United Kingdom. With our mission statement, school motto and catholic beliefs we stand in solidarity in the fight against racism and all forms of prejudice. We are proud to be an anti-racist school.
We actively hold to our ethos of Serviam and strive to empower our students to live out the power of understanding and respect for all. We have seen over the last days many commentators and individuals assert the power of education as the key to break down these prejudices and to eliminate the scope and impact of racism. Through the thousands of students who have gone on to great success both here and in their adult lives St Angela’s has always been at the forefront of equality and opportunity for all and we will continue to work relentlessly as a community to live out this responsibility to the full.
Today each and everyone of our form groups stopped to remember George Floyd and his family at this time- one in solidarity against racism in the UK and in our world. We pray for the repose of his soul and for the peace and harmony we wish to create.